Yikes!!! It's been forever since I posted! Sorry about that, but in my defense, I have actually been sorta busy. Since the last post, I have:
-gone to FOUR doctor's appointments
-subbed THREE times
-gone to a CONCERT
-and lots of other IMPORTANT things that I can't remember right now...

Me and Jason

Jason and I went to a concert at the Verizon Amphitheater in STL, which turned out to be really nice. We had lawn seats, so we just camped out on a blanket during the concert. We went to see Def Leppard, but the opening bands were good too: Cheap Trick and Poison. It was a really fun evening. Of course, my pictures are not good yet AGAIN...just like when we went to see AC/DC, there were no cameras allowed in, forcing me to take pictures on my phone. Which doesn't have a zoom or a flash. Hence the terrible pictures. *Sigh* Next time I am going to sneak a camera in...other people had theirs! I just need to figure where to hide it... Anyway, Def Leppard was AWESOME live, and Poison was really good too! I was disappointed that I wasn't close enough to see Brett Michaels up close, but oh well...I got to see a lot of people dressed up like him! Maybe I can come up with something cool to wear to Crue Fest next month. Hmmm....

This is Def Leppard performing...but I'm sure you could
see that from my awesome photography skills...
The subbing has been great too. The other teachers at the school are great and I'm learning a lot from them. Everyone is so positive there, and you can see how much everyone cares about the kids. A little bit of a change from some of the people at my school. And the results I see in their students are impressive. I'm hoping to use some of what I've learned in my own classroom...who knows, maybe we'll turn this Head Start around yet!
[Blog Note: Sorry for all the crazy formatting....Blogger is not letting me do what I want today! ]
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