Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Little Darlings

I thought I'd post a few pictures of the "fur-babies." (Isn't that such a weird name? But I see people use it all the time online. Go figure! )

Edgar loves to nap on the floor in the office.

He definitely believes he's a person. He loves to sit on our laps!

It's hard to get a good picture of Eva, so this is what you get.

Claiborne got a haircut recently, and he's enjoying his new-do.

He's always so happy with short hair!

See? He's completely comfortable!

And hopefully in a year or so, the pictures I post will be of much smaller cats! Their diets seem to be working...both cats have lost a little weight already. Thank goodness they aren't begging so much anymore either. I don't know how many more 5AM wake-up headbutts I could take!

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