Home improvement sure does get interesting...
Jason and I have been doing a little remodeling lately. Thanks to my parents, we got a lot of work done in our living room/kitchen/dining room last weekend. This weekend, we are still working to get everything put back together.
Our fireplace has one of those enclosures with the little glass panes. It just so happens that it is gold. NOT my favorite. So Jason and I planned to paint it. Jason wanted to see what the fireplace would look like without the enclosure at all, so he unscrewed it this afternoon. We were standing there admiring the fireplace when we heard some weird noises. INSIDE the fireplace.
Now, Jason tells me pretty much every day that it's almost Christmas. But it's still a little early for Santa to be coming down the chimney. So we were standing there talking about what could be making those noises. Jason noticed that the flue was open, so he got down in front of the fireplace to close it. More flapping noises came from the chimney when he tried to pull the lever, so we thought maybe the wind was blowing it somehow. He started jiggling the lever, and the sounds got louder. Jason laid down to try to look up and make sure the flue was closed, and I started walking to the kitchen. There was a loud crashing noise and Jason screamed...something had fallen out of the chimney into the fireplace...a bird!
The poor thing was terrified (as were we!) and we were trying to figure out what to do. Claiborne was stalking towards the fireplace from the couch and Edgar was trying to hide behind me. There was ash all over the place. The bird couldn't seem to fly back up and out of the chimney, so I told Jason he was going to have to grab it before it got out into the house. He went and got some gloves. I think he was more scared than the poor bird! ("I just know it's going to bite me! It probably has Avian Flu! You'll feel bad when I'm dead!") He had to poke it several times before he finally worked up the nerve the grab it.
Jason cleaning up the ashes before getting our little friend.
Poor little bird...
Be free!
Mission Complete!
That was definitely the highlight of the day! Now I hope we don't get any more birds in there!
I know it's been forever since I wrote on here. I should be able to write a little more often since I only have one class for this eight weeks of school! More about that and my Head Start classes soon!